I had a wonderful weekend in Shanghai. It was great to see Peter, Lee, and Manny. The city is more like New York every time I visit. After staying out all night Friday we had a great meal celebrating Manny’s father’s 77th birthday. It was nice to spend time with a family, even though it did make me a little homesick. The meal was a real marathon of food, with more than 20 dishes. Highlights include plenty of fresh seafood, vegetables, and ducks tongue (worth trying but I didn’t go back for seconds.)
We wondered around the city all day Saturday and most of Sunday. The plant, animal and insect market provided lots of photo opportunities. Here are a couple of examples, see www.flickr.com/photos/stewsnews for more.
I’ve had a few requests for photos and more info about my classes. I’ll try to put together something soon. In the mean time please drop me an email!
Excellent pictures. New camera?
I’m not convinced they’re real, and this whole “China” thing is an elaborate hoax. I mean, it’s ridiculous anyway. West Virginia, Michigan, Washington, China. I know it’s fiction.
Dear Stew,
Looks like your having fun!! Everyone here at Highline has been asking about you. Please send us your email address so we can write!