SEATTLE- Two local men encountered a rare breed of giant caterpillar in a Seattle neighborhood on Saturday morning. The men, identified only as brothers from a well respected family, refused to comment on the large larva. Scientists speculate the insect may be related to that of the species Monsura, typically found only in Japan. Godzilla was unavailable or comment.
What really happened: My brother and I found this scarf in the alley behind my apartment building. We hung it on the gutter in case someone came looking for it. When we returned several hours later it was back on the ground. Life can be so exciting!
The catapiller story was better than the scarf
Using the scientific method and Newton’s laws, I have concluded that it was in fact a caterpillar. It’s the only explanation. You’re lucky you weren’t eaten.
Hey kid, when did they start making caterpillars out of scarves? I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything made me believe there’s caterpillars made of scarves…